Theo Wildcroft

Teacher – Trainer – Writer – Researcher

I’m a teacher, trainer, writer and post-doctoral scholar working for a more sustainable relationship between our many selves, the communities that hold us, and the world that nourishes us. I’m also a multiply neurodivergent trauma survivor and activist.

I’m a lover of vulnerable people, of wild things and wild places, of all our ancestors, and of the simple miracle of life itself. I am particularly fond of rhythmic movement, quiet self-nourishment, and beloved communities of care and gentle devotion.

These days I teach very little yoga practice. I train and mentor yoga teachers, I teach for a couple of universities, and I write when I can. On this site, you will find ways to connect with me in all of that work.

The things that I do


I currently teach two Religious Studies modules at undergraduate level for the Open University.

I completed my own PhD with the OU, and I’m passionate about its unique and important mission.

I also guest lecture for a number of other institutions including the University of Gloucester and the University of Chester.

Find out more on my courses & events page


I offer a number of online and in person courses for yoga and other movement teachers, trainees and yoga practitioners.

Although I have taught physical practice for 15 years, these days I mostly cover the philosophy and humanities part of the curriculum. Among other topics, I cover modern yoga history, contemporary issues and practical ethics.

Find out more on my courses & events page


A lot of my time is spent writing – whether that be conference papers and journal articles, course materials and blog posts or the next book.

I greatly enjoy the editing process, not just for my own work, but as part of bringing someone else’s thoughts to the page. Get in touch via my contact page if you have a project you’d like to discuss.

Find out more about my books


As a researcher, I am fascinated by the everyday as well as the transcendent, so every day is a research day.

My formal scholarship outputs can be found in my publications and conference papers. But I’m also always open to new opportunities for my skills in interviewing, analysing and reporting. Get in touch via my contact page if there’s a project you’d like help with.

Read my Academic CV

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  • Welcome to Substack!
    Firstly, if you’re on my mailing list, don’t worry, you’ve not signed up for anything new by accident. Over the summer I’ve been having a Big Think about what I want to share with people and how, and as a result, I’m moving the mailing list most of you have already signed up to onto Substack, and I think you’ll like the changes that come with it. I want to tell you my reasons for… Read more: Welcome to Substack!

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